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All About Thawing Frozen Embryos

Embryo freezing is a popular method that has been around for a while now. It is the process in which embryos are frozen and stored for future use. Cryopreservation is the method commonly used to preserve these embryos, and then the embryos are vitrified and stored in liquid nitrogen. IVF doctors in Rajganj are one of the most reliable doctors when it comes to freezing and thawing of frozen embryos.

Table of Content:

  1. What is Embryo Thawing?
  2. How is it done?
  3. When to thaw a Frozen Embryo?
  4. What is the Survival Rate?

What is Embryo Thawing?

Embryo thawing is the procedure where previously frozen embryos are recovered.

How is it done?

The embryo is first removed from the liquid nitrogen and all the patient identifiers are checked. Then the embryo then is placed in a dish and processed through many drops of thawing materials. The dish is then transferred to a heated surface until the warming process is completed. Once it is thawed it is then placed onto a different dish where it is washed in culture media.

The status of the embryo is documented, and then it is shifted to the incubator until the embryo transfer procedure. The thawing procedure is conducted at room temperature.

When to thaw the frozen embryo?

Frozen embryos are typically thawed on the day of the procedure. The thawed embryos are ready to be transferred to the mother 40 minutes after being removed from storage.

Thawing the embryos the night before may lead to the embryo to develop out of sync with the lining. Timing is extremely crucial when it comes to such procedures.

What is the survival rate?

Even when instructions are followed to the dot, there is always a chance that the embryo might not survive due to external factors that we have no control over. There is a 95% survival rate, which is generally considered to be favourable odds.

Newlife Fertility Centre is a centre in their own league in the field of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies). These IVF doctors in Rajganj help couples start a family using advanced techniques and facilities. We conduct all the procedures with utmost care for the patient's safety and with their loving support have a high success rate.

Our fertility clinic is an all- inclusive fertility treatment centre including an advanced modular laboratory, well trained embryology team and nursing staff, and highly skilled IVF doctors in Rajganj.

Embryo freezing and thawing are extremely incredible procedures that have helped the IVF method immensely. It is nothing short of a miracle for couples that are struggling to start a family.

This post may be useful for people who are looking into IVF. This post contains information about thawing frozen embryos.


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